Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Double Entry Journal #4

Quote: "One advantage to studying 'human beings dynamically, within their social circumstances, in their full complexity,' Moll remarks, is that one can gain, 'a much more complete, and, we believe, a much more valid understanding of them.'" (Moll, 1992)

Response: I completely agree with this quote. In fact I completely agree with the entire article. I do think that sometimes students and parents know more than teachers believe they know and could be very beneficial to the education of the students. Sometimes children are exposed to many different methods of learning at home based on what their parents or other community members do for a living. I do think that by going to a students home or visiting the community you will be able to better understand the students and will probably be able to develop a better format for teaching. The fact that you need to know your students has been drilled into my head for a while now when discussing education and how to help a student succed. The teacher who did the building unit is a perfect example of this. This article makes total sense in that aspect.

Reference: Moll, L. (1992). Funds of Knowledge for Teaching: Using a Qualitative Approach to Connect Homes and Classrooms. Theory into Practice, 31(2), 132-141. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/1476399

Resource: http://www.tolerance.org/tdsi/asset/explanation-funds-knowledge
This website has a video of Louis Moll explaining his Funds of Knowlege.

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