Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WebQuest pages

Best Websites:
John Wilkes Booth-(Strengths) Easy to read, format consistent, background information, step-by-step directions, organized
(Weaknesses) Not too many pictures, links opening take a lot of time
Creative Encounters-(Strengths) graphics were good, forward/backward buttons, separate jobs and then work together, standards on the page, time saver for teachers
(Weaknesses) Broken links

Worst Websites:
Landfills-(Strenghts) All the information was on the site, handout, good topic to work on, step-by-step
(Weaknesses) Didn’t correspond to geography, just killing time, older students Poetry of War-(Strenghts) Visualize from poems, picture changes, introduced in non-feminine way
(Weaknesses) Work on your own not a group activity

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