Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Visiting Another State

The activity from the learning blogs that I chose was, Visiting Another State. This page was created by Heather Ritchey. For this page, a person has to choose a state he/she would like to visit and why. I think it is very interesting to find out where people would like to visit. The two NETS-T standards that this blog covers is:
3c: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning...communicate relevent information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
5a: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership...participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.
By choosing a state and explaining why you would like to go there, you are providing information about that state to other people. It may be an actual fact about the state or just a personal fact about it. This still allows the readers to learn something new about a particular state or about the person writing. Second, participating in local and global communities is met when various people post and comment on their choice and others choices.
Here is a shortcut to that blog sight:


  1. Good job explaining how this bog activity could meet the NETS-T! An activity like this would also help you learn more about your students and families! Would you consider doing an activity like this in your future classroom?

  2. Yes I would do an activity like this. I think it would be very interesting to find out those types of things. You'll never get the same answer twice. Even if it's the same state, everyone's reason would be different.
