Saturday, October 8, 2011

Technology Survey

How many computers are in the classroom? One-teacher computer
Do they have internet access? Yes
Can you access Google tools? Yes
Do you have access to a laptop cart? Can they get on the internet? There is one laptop/media center but not a laptop cart.
Is there a computer lab? Do the computers have Internet access? Can you access Google tools? How to you reserve it? Yes, there are two computer labs. Yes, they have internet and you can access Google tools. There is a weekly calendar that you use to sign up for use of the computer lab.
How many of your students have computers with Internet access at home? 10 of the 11 students in the classroom have computer at home but only 9 of those computers have Internet access.
Are there locations in the community where students can access the computers and the internet? Students can go into downtown Fairmont and go to the Marion County Library to use computers.

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