Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Website Validation

The website I chose to validate was Dog Island Free Forever. The domain name is not one that would be recognized by anyone. Also, the extension is .com which is a company and anyone as access to creating a site at this extension. I couldn't really find a publisher for this site even when I used www.easywhois.com. The contact listed for this site is SavyStudio.comLLC so that didn't help either. There was no real history except for some layout changes and that lead me nowhere in validating it. The external links were completely off the wall. They led to some really odd sites. The links weren't apparent either. If your mouse went over the word, you saw a hand letting you know there was a link but there was nothing else.


  1. What does this tell you about the validity of the info posted on the site?

  2. This tells me that the website is not valid. There is no proof that this is a real website. Everything you look at prooves it is a fake site.
